Windows 365

Illustration and Art Direction

Illustration and Art Direction

Windows 365 is a new app/service that essentially functions as remote computer with full windows so a person can configure whatever power they need on it. It also allows for security and flexibility. For instance someone could log in and use any device they wanted for work. The Windows 365 team had a fair amount of existing visual and branding work that had been done through an outside agency Studio Tendril. The work had been well received.



The Windows 365 team had a couple needs primarily content for branding as they did their first major release as well as build which is a major conference and release event focused on developers that Microsoft does every year. The Updated visuals would also be featured in the Microsoft Store and other material.



The Windows 365 was an interesting case in how their audience was defined. While they were technically a wide consumer offering their current pricing and feature offerings were much more business oriented. They were also in a way not an app in the traditional sense. The app was windows and only a minimal UI was used to invoke/initialize the Windows Cloud PC. They also had a product that was in some ways similar to hardware. For example when you buy a plan you choose the computer’s specs as far as CPU, RAM, and SSD.

Existing research

Existing research

The Windows 365 team had a couple needs primarily content for branding as they did their first major release as well as build which is a major conference and release event focused on developers that Microsoft does every year. The Updated visuals would also be featured in the Microsoft Store and other material.

Areas of research

Areas of research

The Windows 365 team had a couple needs primarily content for branding as they did their first major release as well as build which is a major conference and release event focused on developers that Microsoft does every year. The Updated visuals would also be featured in the Microsoft Store and other material.

Table top research

Table top research

The Windows 365 team had a couple needs primarily content for branding as they did their first major release as well as build which is a major conference and release event focused on developers that Microsoft does every year. The Updated visuals would also be featured in the Microsoft Store and other material.